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We’re collaborative. Relentless. Curious. Solving complex B2B challenges drives our work. Our values shape a culture of empowerment and deep knowledge of our clients’ businesses.

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So what's with the name Symmetri? The name is rooted in the desire to keep marketing and sales aligned. Balanced between driving sales overnight and building brand over time. The tools have changed over the years but the purpose hasn't. Symmetri is also a philosophy that we all pull our weight here – equally. So you benefit from the deep experience of our founders working alongside everyone else on your team.




Across two offices

(and a few remote)

(Chicago, IL; Northville, MI)



Healthcare. Technology. Manufacturing. Education. A few of our favorites.



Across many clients and industries. Always with room to learn more.



Owned by Symmetri employees.
(Mark and Shane have six each for some reason.)

Amanda Klapper
VP, Client Service

Organization, patience and accountability. Growing up as the eldest of eight sisters, you acquire these essential traits instinctively. Later on, they come in handy when managing the boundless energy of a seven-way-mix adopted puppy in tandem with an ever-curious toddler. And in professional life, organization transforms multifaceted input into a unified vision.

Accountability lays the foundation for strong client partnerships and winning projects. Add more than a decade of B2B marketing experience, and you have the makings of an avid account director who accepts nothing short of success. That’s Amanda.

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Andy Owerczuk
Sr. Web Developer

Andy sees opportunity everywhere. His motorcycle offers the opportunity to tour his adopted United States while bonding with friends. His two daughters provide opportunities to camp and hike together in national and state parks, and to take up skiing as a new family pastime. Even trees bring opportunity as Andy hones his woodworking skills crafting beautiful, useful objects. And he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to contribute his unique expertise to Symmetri’s development team, giving you the opportunity to own a compelling, top-performing application or website.

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Anna Greene
Director of Finance & Operations

Anna came to Symmetri to help ease our growing pains, streamline our operations, and foster the efficiency that empowers our team to deliver decisive wins for our clients. She lives life in full color, enjoying the arts in all their variety. She has a special affinity for furniture design. She’s a huge fan of freight trains. If you’re offering cake, any kind, she’d love to take a slice or two off your hands. But despite all of her colorful interests, Anna says, “I enjoy working with numbers because they’re black and white. They measure success. They tell stories.”

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Anna Vertii
Senior Art Director

Growing up amid the colors and textures of the family print shop, Anna soon discovered that anything can be a canvas for creativity. Conceptual ads. Animated graphics. Wall murals. Hand-painted clothing. Symmetri’s most elegant manicured fingernails. Anything and everything. The wide world is a source of endless inspiration, and Anna is always seeking new destinations that spark new ideas. So it only makes sense that the next phase of her creative journey should be learning to take it all in from the saddle of a bike — although her pup Louie may wonder what that will mean for walk time.

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Bekkah Logan
Sr. Account Executive

As a proud Alabama alumna (Roll Tide!) Bekkah is used to striving for excellence both on and off the field. Her background in public relations and advertising is a perfect fit with the Symmetri team, while outside the office Bekkah is an aspiring baker, Pure Barre enthusiast and novice pickleball player. In all, she emphasizes the power of progress over perfection. Whether spending Saturdays looking for a spectacular farmer’s market bouquet or mastering her swing on the court, Bekkah brings a bright outlook and attention to detail wherever she goes.

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Carl Triemstra

Everyone who joins Symmetri discovers on day one that Carl is a passionate guy. You can’t miss his drive, whether he’s cheering on the Michigan Wolverines or his own Symmetri team. Showing photos of his grandchildren or showing a new branding plan to a client. Singing in his choral group or singing out in the office halls, “Make it happen! Move the mouse!” Whatever the pursuit, the important thing is to go all in, all the way. Carl’s passion is infectious, and we’ve all caught it. That’s why we love delivering our best under his remarkable leadership.

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David Archuleta
Senior Drupal Developer

When David goes to the gym, he doesn’t listen to music. He listens to coding podcasts. He knows that’s not normal, but for him programming isn’t work so much as it is a passionate obsession. When others complain about their job, it takes a lot of discipline not to gloat about how lucky he is. And we’re lucky to have him. That’s why we reached all the way to Nicaragua to snag him, where he’s currently beachcombing, snorkeling, volcano-sliding and exploring the local culture with his wife. Coding, adventuring and coding some more—what a life!

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Geraldo Ramos
Senior Drupal Developer

A senior Drupal and front-end developer with 10 years of experience, Geraldo is both the smart and fun guy in the room. He’s lived in Michigan his whole life, developing his passion for web development and today’s latest technologies. Geraldo received an Associate’s Degree of Applied Science from the ITT Technical Institute. His avatar in the Drupal community is Boris Karloff in the role of Frankenstein’s monster. But we’re not a-scared.

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Jada Cash
Creative Director

On paper, Jada is a creative director (copy-side, to be specific). But after nearly 20 years in the small-to-mid-sized-agency trenches, she’s played the role of strategic planner, media director, content strategist, PR person and even project manager. But no matter what role she’s tackling, she’s focused on marketing programs that marry aesthetic and work ethic. Special sauce and strategy. Magic and logic. And when she isn’t in marketing mode, she’s wearing one of her many other hats: mom, wife, chauffeur, short-order cook, cleaner, handyman …

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Jessica Burnham
Senior Art Director

Is there any better place than the solitude of a high alpine lake, far beyond the reach of cell service? Of course, it wouldn’t be so quiet and pristine if getting there were easy. Jess lives for hard effort and the rewards it brings — whether running up the trail, renovating her home, tackling a new novel or wrangling her five dogs. She brings the same joyful effort to creativity in the service of brand building — from the tiny subtleties of typography to the overarching vision of a video production.

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Kelly O’Neil
Senior Project Manager

When you love to cook, it can take hours for the ingredients to come together in a perfect meal. When you love romantic comedies, you expect it will take weeks before the stars finally fall for each other. When you love Detroit sports teams, you might have to wait years to savor the big win. It’s all about the process, no matter how long it takes. And that’s the perspective Kelly brings to her digital projects. All the months of hard, detail-oriented work only make for a more satisfying payoff—a great user experience and a thrilled client.

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Kristina Biehl
Account Supervisor

A firm believer in staying curious, Kristina is always searching for something new: a hot restaurant reservation, a best-selling author or a travel destination. As our account supervisor, she uses this curiosity to find creative solutions to difficult problems. With a Type-A personality and an infectious laugh, Kristina has high expectations for her work and herself, like maintaining long-term client relationships or attempting to read 100 books per year (she’s almost there!).

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Laurie Markowski
Senior Project Manager

Fun, bold, loud and loyal to a fault. That’s how Laurie sees herself. Fun might involve grilling dinner on the beach after a day’s float with friends. Bold and loud might describe a tour of the countryside by motorcycle. But what is loyal to a fault? Her dogs certainly wouldn’t find fault with their daily playtime. The kids on her ice hockey team could never fault her passion for helping them grow in athleticism, teamwork and confidence. And her clients love her dedication to bringing their projects in on time, on budget, on target. Faultlessly.

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Mark Masseur
Executive Creative Director/Principal

Mark is a designer’s designer. His big-picture concepting and attention to every detail of execution influences virtually everything we create – whether or not he personally touched it. That’s because he’s also a mentor’s mentor. Count on Mark to ask the tough questions that get you thinking deeply about the project’s true aspirations. And your own. If your art and copy can work harder to uncover needs, deliver answers and inspire action, Mark will help you find the way.

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Michael Melone
VP, Digital Marketing

Focused energy and a curious mindset drive the rapid firing of synapses in this marketer’s mind. Energetic encounters and curiosity come in handy in professional life when seemingly opaque marketing performance calls for deeper dives to find the piece of the puzzle needed to unlock growth.

Organization and decisiveness lay the groundwork for trusted relationships with clients. With more than 20 years leading agency-side and client-environment teams comes a vision for what is needed for success and the wherewithal to make things happen. That’s how Mike likes it.

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Mike Speck
Creative Director

Being voted “most scientific” in grade school and studying Shakespeare in college made B2B copywriting an easy career choice for Mike. Every day, Mike gets to combine his deep curiosity of complex products and services with a love of big ideas, engaging storytelling and new brand experiences. Outside the office, he brings a similar wide-eyed approach to life as a tennis fanatic, an experienced martial artist and a truly awful southpaw guitar player. He even manages to read Shakespeare once in a while.

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Phill Tran
Team Lead, Development

For Phill, simplifying the online process is the easiest part of his life. Offline can be a little trickier, but just as rewarding. His day usually starts with his son waking him up around 5:00 a.m., and it ends after various trips to school clubs, church events, and sports activities. There isn’t much that Phill doesn’t do, except maybe sleep. But he’s ok with that, because he knows that raising a strong family will have a far-reaching impact. Even his hair has had an impact—he’s grown it out and donated it three times to charity.

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Rod Del Castillo
Director, Digital Design

Rod dreams of moving to Oaxaca and bringing the entire Symmetri crew with him. Not gonna happen, but we’re proud to offer clients his exceptional web design skills from any location. Rod is a full-stack designer—harmonizing the visual look, information architecture and user experience in a beautiful structure perfectly suited to each user’s needs. While his creative pursuits span cooking, art, photography and music, it’s no surprise that 10-year-old Rod always wanted to be an architect. Because for your website, that’s exactly what he is.

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Shane Sevo
VP/Technology Solutions

If Woody Allen, W. H. Auden, Kanye West, and David Hasselhoff met in a bar, Shane would invite them to join his book club in classic Rushmore style. Raised as an only child with never enough Legos, educated as a misplaced engineer, and finding his own in digital media, he’s as surprised as anyone at landing on a marketing career. Shane wages campaigns with the mantra, “Real artists ship,” constantly calling the publish button in his work. A Finnish lumberjack at heart, he’s always planning an escape into the woods of distant lands.

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Tom Smart
Associate Creative Director

Tom fell in love with the written word around the same time he started wrecking things to see how they work. Fortunately, he now limits himself to taking words apart – then throwing out the ones that aren’t working and putting the rest back together better than before. But he never lost his fascination for structure, tools and technology. That’s why he sees B2B marketing as a perfect fit. He gets to explore what engineers and other brilliant people do – then put words to work to help them do it better. All without breaking anything.

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